15 May Top 3 Reasons HOA Boards Choose Professional Management Over Self-Management
Often times, HOA board members of self-managed associations feel overwhelmed by the significant responsibilities that come along with their position. Many Boards are made up of homeowners who are experts in their own respective fields, but may not be familiar with the intricate nature of a non-profit corporation, which at the end of the day is what an HOA is. Volunteer board members carry the immense responsibility of handling the association’s finances, reputation, business transactions, and relationships, with little or no guidance. Professional community association management provides the support that a board of directors and HOA need to be successful.
1. Hiring Professional Management Makes Financial Sense
While it may seem like self-managed HOAs are saving money, the many benefits of hiring professional management clearly outweigh the costs. With an experienced manager working for you, an association can avoid costly mistakes and rely on their manager’s expertise to handle any immediate crisis. The high-quality community association managers on the Walters Management team spend their professional and personal lives furthering their education and advancing their skill set. They do this by taking advanced community association management courses, acquiring additional certifications, and regularly attending seminars dedicated to every aspect of community association management imaginable. The wealth of knowledge that they offer sets the community associations which they serve on a long term and sustainable path to financial security and success.
2. We Offer Comprehensive Services That Support the Board
Walters Management offers customizable and comprehensive community association management services with the objective of helping the Board achieve their goals. Our staff has the experience and ability to provide the extensive level of support services needed by many associations in regards to accounting, escrow services, administrative work, and more. We help to take pressure off the Board by providing homeowners with exceptional customer service and attaining the highest quality vendors and service providers from our pool of trusted industry partners.
3. A Dedicated Team Will Assist Your Community
In addition to the full-time support services we provide, Walters Management dedicates a professional team to your association. Each team works with a small portfolio of communities, allowing them to better manage individual needs and provide the exceptional level of service expected from our clients. These teams are led by the most qualified group of community association managers in the area, with the best Professional Community Association Manager® designation ratio in all of southern California. Having a dedicated team of community experts provides a sense confidence and peace of mind that you rarely find in a self-managed HOA.
If your Board is looking to make the transition from being self-managed to hiring professional management, contact us today to find out more information about our services or request a proposal!